About Me

Hi there! I am Aditya, a second-year student pursuing B. tech in Information Technology at Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore. There always exist a geek inside me which accompany with my eager to learn new things. It all started when I was in 11th class, my first step in the world of programming with c++. From there taking baby steps I build myself into a person with multidisciplinary skills.



Pursuing BTech from Vellore Institute of Technology in Information Technology


Higher Secondary education from D.A.V. Public School with 85% in PCM


Matriculation from D.A.V. Public School with 10 CGPA

My Skills
As mentioned I started programming from class 11, from there till now I have explored and accreted other skills like web development. I have been practicing web development since 2019 as it is very fascinating to me. From here I started Machine learning and I am naive in this domain and has eager to explore it in depth.
Acquired Skills









As said "Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice. " – Anton Chekhov . Thus, I put my skill into work to shape my thoughts about different websites and being sincere towards work is my key to achieve anything. Here is a showcase of my previous work in web domain and looking forward for upcoming collaborations and future projects!!

Web Dev

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Codelaza is a chat app developed to ease the process of sharing code. It allows code highlighting, formatting and snippets for many languages and has themes too.

Tech stack: ReactJS, Redux, Socket.io, NodeJS

Crwn-clothing is an e-commerce website that has features like cart-items, payments with stripe and sections for different clothes.

Tech stack: ReactJs, Redux, Firebase
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QuizMania is a quiz app to accrete knowldge from different fields like politics, science, sports and games, and many more. It is customizable with other features like difficulty level, number of questions and it also keep track of your best attempts.

Tech stack: Jquery, NodeJs, MongoDB

Machine Learning

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Movistio is a conetnt based recommnder system. It will recommend you movies based on your search and as well as based on selected genre and list down top movies and TV show.

Tech stack: Flask, AJAX, Python

A basic iris flower prediction tool using SVC model. It accepts 4 paramters about the flower and will predict the species among Setosa, Viginica and Versicolor.

Tech stack: Flask, Python, Scikit
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A web app for detecting Fake news or headlines. It uses many pre-processing techniques and predict the headline is legit or not For prediction purposes it uses Gaussian Naive Bayes model that yield high accuracy.

Tech stack:Flask, Python, Scikit
Field of Interest
I am a keen learner and explore various things which I came accross in daily life. It is crucial for a developer to undestand his/her ability and put your mind in that direction. Similarly, I figured out my interest and desire to learn in the following fields.
My Interest
Web Delopment
I love to create webiste and web app with my skills like ReactJS, NodeJS, Jquery, MongoDB ...
I work on various NLP tools like NLTK, Spacy and more to let computers share its thought with me.
Computer Vision
Right now I am learning how to enable a system to see and enjoy the beauty around it.
Model Development
I make various call to Scikit and utilise it's response in solving various task using ML model.
Contact Me
Always open to those who desire to work for better tomorrow !! If you wanna conact me just ping me